Meet beautiful Kamila, bride De Ukraine

Pretty__Woman_ is online
29 años mujer, Zodiaco: Cáncer
De Kiev, Ukraine
English(Básico), Ukrainian(Fluido)
sin hijos
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ID of Russian bride:ID: 1001938046

Datos privados e información de contacto
Detalles personales
Sexo mujer
Niños sin hijos
Desea hijos Te lo diré después
Altura 5'6" - 5'7" (166-170cm)
Tipo de cuerpo Delgado
Origen étnico Caucásico
Religión Cristiano
Estado civil Solo
Educación Cierto grado de universidad
Fumador No
Bebedor No
Detalles de la persona que usted está buscando
Yo busco hombre
Buscando un rango de edad 37-75
Buscando por estatura
Buscando por tipo de cuerpo
Relación Matrimonio, Relación, Romance
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Usually the first impression of me is very wrong, some people think I am arrogant,others I am looking for luxury life, living like a butterfly flying from one rich man to another. Probably because I am beautiful, but it is shallow to judge a woman for that.I do hope that you are able to see deeper! My two biggest passions are dancing and riding horses. I relieve stress and feel completely free while sliding on the dance floor to the rhythms of my favorite music, just lucky that my friends opened a dancing studio near my home.

In addition, I get closer to nature and enjoy the beauty of the region, riding my faithful four-legged friend. And, of course, I don't miss the opportunity to hit the ball on the tennis court, where I demonstrate my skilsl and endurance. Maybe I'm not a real natural athlete yet, but I know how to enjoy every moment of life!
Descripción de pareja ideal:
😮ops: In my quest for the right partner, I am seeking for someone who embraces me with a warm hug when we connect, and who values the simple gestures of affection, like kissing my forehead and holding my hand in public. I desire a man who sees the beauty in my natural self, without the need of makeup.

Above all, I seek someone who loves me genuinely, without conditions or expectations. It may seem like a modest request, yet it's surprising how few men understand the importance of these simple acts of love. Are you one of the few modern-day knights who appreciates and practices such gestures of genuine affection?
FechaTítuloAncho x AlturaDuraciónVista
2025-02-24I am real girl here)464 x 848 0:47Vista
2025-02-25Cute blonde is having fun))464 x 848 0:24Vista
2025-02-26Just being cute and silly, flirting with you))464 x 848 0:31Vista
2025-03-02Charminf me)))464 x 848 0:45Vista
2025-03-02Flirting with you)))528 x 848 0:21Vista
2025-03-05Lady in red)464 x 848 0:21Vista
2025-03-05Admiring myself))464 x 848 0:22Vista
2025-03-05Cherry on the cake for you)))464 x 848 0:21Vista

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